DHS presenta propuesta para mejorar el programa de trabajadores con ocupaciones especializadas H-1B

Kris Quadros-Ragar • Jan 11, 2024

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     El Departamento de Seguridad Nacional de los EE. UU. (DHS), a través de los Servicios de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los EE. UU. (USCIS), ha presentado un Aviso de reglamentación propuesta (NPRM) con el objetivo de modernizar el programa de trabajadores de ocupación especializada H-1B. Esta reforma propuesta tiene como objetivo simplificar los requisitos de elegibilidad, mejorar la eficiencia del programa, proporcionar mejores beneficios y flexibilidades tanto para los empleadores como para los trabajadores y reforzar las medidas para garantizar la integridad del programa.

     El programa H-1B juega un papel vital al permitir que los empleadores estadounidenses recluten el talento que necesitan para satisfacer las demandas comerciales y mantener su competitividad en el ámbito global, al tiempo que cumplen con las protecciones legales de los trabajadores estadounidenses. Alejandro N. Mayorkas, Secretario de Seguridad Nacional, afirma que el DHS está comprometido a desarrollar e implementar regulaciones que agilicen los procesos para empleadores y trabajadores en el sistema de inmigración. La principal prioridad de la Administración Biden-Harris es atraer talento global, reducir cargas indebidas para los empleadores y combatir el fraude y el abuso en el sistema de inmigración.

    Según el programa de visas de no inmigrante H-1B, los empleadores estadounidenses pueden emplear temporalmente a trabajadores extranjeros en ocupaciones especializadas que requieren conocimientos altamente especializados y una licenciatura o superior en el campo específico.

     La regla propuesta describe cambios significativos, incluida una modificación en la forma en que USCIS lleva a cabo el proceso de selección de registro H-1B para reducir el potencial de uso indebido y fraude. El sistema actual permite una mayor probabilidad de selección en la lotería para las personas con más registros presentados en su nombre. Sin embargo, la propuesta sugiere que cada individuo con un registro presentado debería ingresar al proceso de selección una vez, independientemente del número de registros presentados. Este cambio tiene como objetivo nivelar el campo de juego y reducir el incentivo de presentar múltiples registros para el mismo beneficiario para aumentar sus probabilidades de selección. Además, podría ampliar las oportunidades laborales para los beneficiarios, ya que cada solicitante de registro con un beneficiario seleccionado tendría la opción de presentar una petición H-1B en su nombre.

      La norma propuesta también introduce varias otras disposiciones, entre ellas:
  • Simplificar los criterios de elegibilidad revisando los criterios para puestos de ocupaciones especializadas, reduciendo la confusión y aclarando que un puesto puede aceptar una variedad de títulos siempre que estén directamente relacionados con las funciones del puesto.
  • Mejorar la eficiencia del programa al formalizar la práctica de los adjudicadores de aplazar determinaciones anteriores cuando no ha habido cambios en los hechos subyacentes durante una nueva presentación.
  • Extender los beneficios y flexibilidades a empleadores y trabajadores, como ampliar las exenciones al límite H-1B para ciertas entidades sin fines de lucro, organizaciones gubernamentales de investigación y beneficiarios que no sean empleados directos de una organización calificada. También proporciona flexibilidad adicional para los estudiantes con visa F-1 que buscan cambiar su estatus a H-1B e introduce nuevos requisitos de elegibilidad H-1B para empresarios emergentes.
  • Fortalecer las medidas de integridad evitando que entidades relacionadas presenten múltiples registros para el mismo beneficiario, facultando a USCIS para realizar visitas al sitio y aclarando que el incumplimiento de las visitas al sitio puede llevar a la denegación o revocación de la petición.

      El NPRM (publicado aquí) invita a comentarios públicos durante un período de 60 días después de su publicación en el Registro Federal. Es fundamental tener en cuenta que estos cambios propuestos solo entrarán en vigor después de pasar por el proceso de finalización y recibir la aprobación mediante una revisión federal. Algunos de estos cambios pueden implementarse a tiempo para la temporada límite H-1B del año fiscal 2025, que se espera que comience a principios de 2024. USCIS ha indicado la posibilidad de implementar estos cambios de manera incremental a través de una o más publicaciones finales de reglas.


Enlace NPRM:

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Kris Quadros-Ragar

By Kyle Huffman 09 May, 2024
The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program has long stood as a beacon of opportunity for those seeking to establish roots in the United States. However, in recent years, its allure dimmed due to concerns surrounding integrity, program abuse, and uncertainties regarding its future. Yet, with the passage of the EB-5 Reform & Integrity Act of 2022 , the EB-5 program finds itself on the brink of a renaissance, once again capturing the attention of investors worldwide. For those unfamiliar, t he EB-5 program offers foreign investors and their families a pathway to permanent residency in the United States by investing a minimum amount in a qualifying U.S. business venture . This investment must create or preserve a certain number of jobs for American workers. Historically, the program has been popular among affluent individuals seeking not only residency but also the opportunity to contribute to the U.S. economy. However, in recent years, the program faced criticism and scrutiny due to allegations of fraud, abuse, and inefficiencies. Investors became wary, and the program's popularity waned. Prospective applicants were hesitant to commit significant funds to a program plagued by uncertainties and bureaucratic hurdles. Enter the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act . This landmark legislation addresses many of the concerns that have plagued the program in recent years. Among its key provisions are increased investment thresholds, stricter oversight measures, and reforms aimed at promoting integrity and transparency within the program. One of the most significant changes introduced by the reform act is empowering the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to more effectively monitor and investigate potential instances of fraud or abuse. Additionally, the act introduces measures to streamline the application process, reducing bureaucratic red tape and expediting the adjudication of EB-5 petitions, resulting in faster processing for legitimate investments. The passage of the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act has injected new life into the EB-5 program, reigniting interest among investors and immigration stakeholders alike. With its enhanced integrity measures and streamlined processes, the program once again represents a compelling opportunity for those seeking to pursue the American dream. Already, we are witnessing a resurgence of interest in the EB-5 program from investors worldwide. Developers and regional centers are seizing the opportunity to capitalize on the renewed enthusiasm, presenting a diverse array of investment opportunities across various industries and regions. Moreover, the EB-5 program's revitalization holds significant implications for the U.S. economy. By attracting foreign investment, the program has the potential to create jobs, spur economic growth, and facilitate the development of communities in need. Furthermore, it underscores the United States' commitment to welcoming and harnessing the talents and resources of immigrant investors. The passage of the 2022 EB-5 Reform and Integrity Act marks a pivotal moment in the history of the EB-5 program. By addressing longstanding concerns and implementing comprehensive reforms, the act has restored confidence in the program and positioned it for a prosperous future. As investors and developers alike embrace the opportunities presented by the revitalized EB-5 program, we anticipate a resurgence in interest and activity, reaffirming the program's status as a cornerstone of American immigration policy and economic development. I encourage any prospective investors to meet with one of our skilled attorneys to discuss the possibility of securing permanent residency, and eventually citizenship, through a qualifying investment under the EB-5 Immigrant Investor Visa Program. We look forward to working with you!
By Denice Flores 02 May, 2024
The U.S. Constitution protects all immigrants, including undocumented immigrants while participating in protests in the U.S. Here is a list of some of the rights covered in the U.S. constitution to consider when you are participating in protests: Right to free speech. The First Amendment prohibits the government from restricting your right to free speech. People have the right to participate in protests, marches, and demonstrations. Right to be free from retaliation. The First Amendment prohibits the government from retaliating against you for exercising your rights such as your right to free speech. Right to remain silent. The Fifth Amendment protects you from self-incrimination and provides the right to remain silent. Right against unreasonable search and seizure. The Fourth Amendment protects you against unreasonable searches and seizures. Right to speak to a lawyer. If you are arrested or detained, you have the right to speak to a lawyer. Keep in mind, if you are undocumented and you are participating in protests, you are at higher risk of being detained by immigration officials if they are present at the protest. If you are undocumented make sure you have a plan in place if you are arrested or detained by law enforcement or immigration officials. It is important to take precautions and if you are arrested or detained you should contact an attorney immediately. If you have questions, please schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys and we will be more than happy to assist you.
By Kris Quadros-Ragar 18 Apr, 2024
The latest policy alert, PA-2024-05, issued by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) on March 21, 2024, brings revisions to the USCIS Policy Manual, specifically focusing on expediting requests. These updates aim to simplify and elucidate the process for applicants, particularly those facing emergencies or urgent humanitarian needs. The primary goal is to make it easier for applicants to understand how to request expedited processing for their various submissions, including applications, petitions, appeals, or motions, especially in cases concerning government interests or urgent situations. While USCIS has historically permitted immigration benefit seekers to request expedited application processing in specific circumstances, the process has frequently been perceived as unclear, with decisions made arbitrarily on a case-by-case basis. The recent update seeks to rectify this by providing clarity and uniformity to the process and establishing explicit criteria and documentation standards. In order to request expedited processing, applicants need to adhere to a more defined procedure. This involves submitting thorough documentation and illustrating the urgency or government relevance of their case. The recent update also explains how USCIS reviews these requests, offering applicants a better grasp of the process. The update introduces special measures for speeding up the processing of Form I-131 (Application for Travel Document) in emergency situations. This acknowledges the urgent need for certain applicants to travel. The policy also acknowledges that expedited requests may be evaluated if there is evident USCIS error, aiming to uphold fairness and accountability within the processing system. These changes aim to make the expedited request process more transparent and understandable for applicants and their representatives. In summary, USCIS's revision regarding expedited requests signifies a notable advancement in rendering the immigration process more transparent and attentive to applicants' requirements. By comprehending these updated guidelines, applicants and their representatives can more effectively navigate the expedited request procedure, ensuring that urgent cases receive due consideration. If you believe you qualify for expedited processing under the recent USCIS policy updates, feel free to contact our office, and we will be more than happy to assist you. FONT : https://www.uscis.gov/policy-manual/volume-1-part-a-chapter-5
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